
I'm a husband, father, counselor and student.  I've worked with kids and their families for over 15 years in some capacity.  I started with church youth groups, first as a volunteer, then as the actual pastor to students (YIKES!).  I've taught tennis, golf and music to kids of all ages and also worked with high school music students, both percussion and marching band.  I care about kids.   And as I grew into adulthood working with them, I started caring about their parents more and more until now, a parent myself, my care for parents is nearly equal to that of my care for kids.

That "pastor" part up there probably piqued your interest (good or bad, either is ok).  My background is that of faith in God.  It is fair, then, you know my view of relationships and families stems from this faith.  I may make biblical references in some of my posts, but please understand this blog is not to preach.  It is to support fathers, wherever they may be in life.  So if you're a Christian critic, please don't be upset if every sentence or post isn't laced with theological jargon and reference.  If you're a critic of Christians, please don't be offended at an occasional biblical reference.  I ask you consider it another perspective or point of view and I'd be willing to bet, even with that basis, you'll find some value in the principals presented.  Deal?  Deal!  Dads are dads and this blog should be shared with all who are called that by a sweet little child voice, or an aggravated teenager's one!  I look forward to getting to know each other.  Thanks for being here.


Joe G